Kids Ministry
Sunday School (3 year olds through 6th grade)
Sunday School is held every week at 9:00 AM at the Church where the Service is held that Sunday (September - May). Our team of volunteers works hard to provide great instruction from the Bible in fun and interactive ways. Kids will hear Scripture, play games, do crafts, and sing plenty of songs! We also have events and other teachings throughout the year to keep an eye out for.
If you are interested in being a part of this ministry that guides and educates our kids, contact Pastor Micah
Third Grade (and up) Bible Class
Every year we offer a four-week Bible class for kids and their parents in January-February. The class is taught by Pastor Micah and is for third graders and up. We will walk through the WHOLE Bible, learning about how it is one big, connected story from beginning to end, and it's all true! The classes will conclude at Sunday morning Worship, where the students will receive a Bible from the Church. Please email or call Pastor Micah to register.
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism is regarded as the entrance Sacrament, as it replaced Old Testament circumcision as the entrance rite into the Kingdom of God (Colossians 2:11-12). Through Baptism, God brings about the salvation of the person baptized who, regardless of age, by faith receives the forgiveness of sins, rescue from death and the devil, and eternal salvation. Baptism connects us to Christ by making us a new creation in Him and makes us God’s children. (Various Bible passages speak of Baptism, such as Titus 3:5.) Newborn babies, adults, and any others desiring Baptism may seek it out here at HLS.
Before Baptism, Pastor Micah will meet with the family and/or the individual being baptized. To schedule a baptism or to meet with Pastor Micah to talk more about what this means, please email or call him at any time.
Please click the button below for our Baptismal Handbook. This booklet contains all the information you will need:
First Communion
In the sacrament of Holy Communion, Christians have given thanks to God ever since Jesus first shared this sacred meal with the disciples. Holy Communion is the body and blood of Christ given and shed for you. In this meal, we remember Jesus' redeeming death on the cross, "once and for all." We celebrate his victory over death, resurrection, and life everlasting. Jesus instituted this meal as a means of grace, through which we are nourished in His presence, strengthened in faith, and renewed for daily living.
To embody Christ's welcome at his table of grace, we will be offering first communion instruction for children in fifth grade and older. Because there is no set practice for when children receive first communion, children can come earlier or later at the family's discretion and the child's desire to receive God's grace in this manner.
The first class begins on Ash Wednesday every year. To register, please contact Pastor Micah.
Kids Ministry Events
Our Kids will have plenty of opportunities throughout the year to be involved outside of Sunday School. Children will participate in worship by helping greet, usher, and acolyte. They will also sing songs during worship.
On top of Sunday morning activities, Kids will have events year-round, such as our annual hay ride with bouncy houses, Vacation Bible School, Easter events, and more! Please reach out to Pastor Micah or check our Facebook page for more information on upcoming events.